Food distribution
FBC Littlefield and The South Plains Food Bank have partnered together to bring assistance to our community. Every month, 185 families are supplied with food boxes for the month.
In order to receive this assistance, every family has to register in June of every year through the food bank. If you have not done so, you may show up the day of distribution and get on a waiting list. If there is any boxes left after those registered go through, then those on the waiting list will be able to receive assistance.
Food Distribution takes place the first Wednesday of every month @ 10:30 AM in the MAC (Ministry Activity Center) parking lot.
In order to receive this assistance, every family has to register in June of every year through the food bank. If you have not done so, you may show up the day of distribution and get on a waiting list. If there is any boxes left after those registered go through, then those on the waiting list will be able to receive assistance.
Food Distribution takes place the first Wednesday of every month @ 10:30 AM in the MAC (Ministry Activity Center) parking lot.
Food PAntry
Our church is able to provide some small assistance throughout the week in the form of our food pantry. Members of the church and various people in the community donate food that is stored at the church. If you are in need of this assistance, you can come to our front office or call the office and we should be able to assist you.
At this time, we not able to financially help with food, bills, transportation, or hotel accommodations.
At this time, we not able to financially help with food, bills, transportation, or hotel accommodations.