We expect our members to be partners not passengers. All of us are pilgrims on a journey. Some are wanderers. Participants make explicit their commitment to Jesus Christ and to this local church. We evaluate this through what we call the Five G’s, which capture the essential “marks” of someone who is committed to following Jesus Christ. It is the commitment to this lifelong process that is solidified in membership, not a standard of perfection. We want to give you the opportunity to make these five G’s a way of life… in keeping with the teaching of the scriptures.
• GRACE. That they have accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord followed by baptism as a believer (Ephesians 2:8-9)
• GROWTH. Ongoing evidence of a changing life and pursuit of Christ likeness (nurturing themselves on a personal basis with God, attending midweek and weekend services) (2 Peter 3:18)
• GROUPS. Participation in the body of Christ and connection with others in significant relationships (this is really about committing to having friendships here at the church where accountability and care can be given and received—the church becomes smaller as people build relationships within it) (Acts 2:46)
• GIFTEDNESS. Serving Christ’s body according to spiritual giftedness and passion (God gave us each unique giftedness – we are accountable to God as individuals on how we steward this giftedness. Once a person begins to serve within his or her giftedness and area of passion, the sense of fulfillment and being part of advancing God’s kingdom enhances the person’s life. People need to be challenged to take the first step and then God steps in and rewards the person) (Romans 12:6-8)
• GIVING. Honoring God with one’s material resources and supporting the church using the biblical precedent of the tithe as a goal to reach or exceed as God prospers (Philippians 4:11-19)
• GRACE. That they have accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord followed by baptism as a believer (Ephesians 2:8-9)
• GROWTH. Ongoing evidence of a changing life and pursuit of Christ likeness (nurturing themselves on a personal basis with God, attending midweek and weekend services) (2 Peter 3:18)
• GROUPS. Participation in the body of Christ and connection with others in significant relationships (this is really about committing to having friendships here at the church where accountability and care can be given and received—the church becomes smaller as people build relationships within it) (Acts 2:46)
• GIFTEDNESS. Serving Christ’s body according to spiritual giftedness and passion (God gave us each unique giftedness – we are accountable to God as individuals on how we steward this giftedness. Once a person begins to serve within his or her giftedness and area of passion, the sense of fulfillment and being part of advancing God’s kingdom enhances the person’s life. People need to be challenged to take the first step and then God steps in and rewards the person) (Romans 12:6-8)
• GIVING. Honoring God with one’s material resources and supporting the church using the biblical precedent of the tithe as a goal to reach or exceed as God prospers (Philippians 4:11-19)